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The rules of existence
The structure of Existence
The One and the Trinity
Guiding booklet
The One and the Trinity Video (30:01)
The 5 and the 7
The law of 5
Meditation of the law of 5
Duality and the Trinity Video (20:41)
The evolving One Video (18:25)
"I exist" Video (29:46)
Read me, the law of 5
The law of 7
The sustaining rule of existance the number 7
Changing into what does not Change Video (28:07)
The formula of fulfillment
The formula of fulfillment
The Sustaining law video (29:00)
Read the formula of fulfillment
The Daily practice
The trinity meditation for group 1
The trinity meditation group 2
The kriya
Video of the practice (12:00)
read the steps of the Kriya
Teach online with
The evolving One Video
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