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Breath Coach Teacher Training Module 2
Classes details and resources
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What do you need
Student Sadhana for this term surya/chandra Bedi kriya (92:56)
The spine and the power of subtle breathing
Spine and natural breath zoom class (98:51)
How to facilitate Nostril belly breath
Ayurveda and subtle life
Ojas tejas prana and nadies.
How to facilitate yogi breath (16:03)
Food and Prana
Trinity descention and prana. zoom class Cristiane (253:02)
How to facilitate kaphalbhaty (26:53)
The cycles of prana and the creation of sequences
Elders and fundamentals in creating pranayama sequence (137:53)
How to facilitate Bhastrikas (25:19)
Create a sequence- guidelines
Intensive- How to create pranayama sequences
Feb 5 2022 intensive (185:38)
Environment, the 5 elements and Prana
Kriya to purify the organs from deep rooted emotions (56:56)
Maria presentation: Location, environment and Prana (46:54)
Acoustics and Prana
Kriya to unlock the word and class presentation (101:33)
Intermedium kriya to open the 5 chakra (72:30)
The elements as a receptacle of Prana
Presentation- By Briya Freeman (57:37)
Sequence for surrender and balance the elements. (41:49)
Sequence library
Kriyas for any occasion
Menus for purification
Refinement of practice (43:49)
Study Group
Week #1 (52:15)
Week #2 (50:42)
Week #3 (66:12)
Responses to questions from week #2 and #3 (22:31)
Week #4 (106:40)
Week #5 (69:07)
Week #6 (69:11)
Week #7 (62:17)
Scientific studies on Prana
On geriatrics
Glossary of terms
Teach online with
Menus for purification
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