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Meditation and Detachment
Welcome to class What do you need.
Learning Agreement
Supporting Mantras
Supporting teachings (54:54)
September weekly meditations
September. Daily Practice- Preparation for re-programing (74:00)
What is detachment? (70:24)
How does detachment works? (96:11)
Detachement in the structure of being- Sept 20 (107:18)
Ceremony of the month and weekly practice Sept. 27 (139:32)
Complementary teachings (41:17)
October weekly meditations- reprogramming second chakra
Detachment and self-worth (144:26)
The flow of detachment (157:58)
resistance and detachment- The co-creator (112:13)
The trinity of detachment (96:27)
November Weekly meditations- reprogramming Manipura chakra
November Daily Evening Practice
physical aspect of Manipura chakra (102:29)
Soul bodies and Manipura chakra (116:13)
Identity and Manipura chakra (97:34)
Detachment and the 3 types of authority (118:41)
Logic , light and identity/ ceremony (114:35)
December Practice
Copy of Detachement in the structure of being- Sept 20 (107:18)
Copy of resistance and detachment- The co-creator (112:13)
Copy of Logic , light and identity/ ceremony (114:35)
Teach online with
Soul bodies and Manipura chakra
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