This course uplifts the divine womb naturally, practically and effectively.

It is a 9-week journey to raise female spirituality with Ayurveda.

Get the tools, practice awareness, commit to life

Learn how to prepare herbal ayurvedic formulations, practice self-treatments, enjoy guided meditations to heal the womb, practice restorative yoga, and learn ceremonies to balance and heal the challenges of our second chakra. This course also includes Berdhanya's book "The Lost Secret of the Feminine," a must for any woman of any age. Enjoy the bonus of Berdhanya satsangs about the feminine and relationships.

We Represent the wisdom of Earth.

Berdhanya and Ayurvedic Dr. Shamna Pradjit facilitate this course with casual conversations, a deep understanding of woman cycles, and practical tips on how any woman needs to learn to be secure, intuitive, and creative.- 

Hi, we are your teachers

Dr. Shamna Pradjith

As an Ayurvedic woman and Doctor, I am absolutely in love with the application of Ayurveda for females who are conscious of their power and potential. In my hospital in India, we see the importance of the role of a balanced woman in society.  

Our journey in putting together this course raised our understanding of how each woman has the power to tap into their alchemy to liberate centuries of female oppression and restore the full potential of life.

The female principle is in all creation; we, as women, represent life in its pure form with each breath and the word we pronounce.

We invite you to vitalize your inner alchemy, practically and sacredly. Take this 13-hour journey to the depths of the sacred womb.

Train, Expand, Apply.